Sunday, 9 September 2012

Becoming a mum-to-be...


Six months pregnant and the reality I will soon be a mum has now hit me! For the first four months, nausea, extreme tiredness and worry took over my life. I'm a bit of a worrier at the best of times but for the first few months of pregnancy, it was extremely hard to relax and feel incredibly excited about the news. What if something happened to the baby? What if the ultrasound showed there was no baby? Would I be able to cope with such a life changing event?
Even though my husband and I had planned this pregnancy and were 100% sure we wanted a child, it still didn't stop my worrying.

Now six months down the line we couldn't be happier :-)

At our anomaly scan we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We were absolutely thrilled to be told we are having a boy!!! Since finding out the sex everything has become so real. On August 26th I felt my little man move for the first time :-) To say it was amazing is an understatement.
I feel him every day now, sometimes it is just small butterfly type movements but other times it is pretty intense. While eating ice-cream the other day it would seem our baby was having a blast inside me! I can't work out whether he loved or hated it...

For the remainder of my pregnancy I will keep you all updated with the goings on, reviews of baby products and no doubt I will have a moan about some of the rubbish side effects of pregnancy - back ache, tiredness, heartburn, sleeplessness, urinating a lot - the list is endless!

Bye for now
Naiomi xxx